2008 Banned Books Week
Written By Lingkar Dunia on Tuesday, September 30, 2008 | 3:01 PM
What constitutes good sales for a literary novel?
What constitutes good sales for a literary novel?
"If you sold 7,000 or more copies, in hardcover, of your literary novel, you're a star," she elaborates. "If you've sold between 4,000 and 7,000 copies, in hardcover, of your literary novel, you did a damned good job. You're what they call a 'strong seller.' You're also in a good position to place your second novel well, with your current publisher or elsewhere.
Medina "Suspended" In UK
The Jewel of Medina stalled yet again.
Alan Jessop, managing director of Compass, the sales company for the UK's Gibson Square, has reported to the Bookseller that Martin Rynja "has put publication in suspended animation while he reflects and takes advice on what the best foot forward is." The book was supposed to be published in the UK on October 15. Jessop added, "Everyone is going to have to be patient. This requires some careful thinking."Suspended animation? The suspense is killing us all!
The London Book Fair, Monday 20th — Wednesday 22nd April 2009.
To register as a visitor, and for more information on The London Book Fair go to www.londonbookfair.co.uk/
Jacket copy blog, and Moby-Dick re-imagined
Written By Lingkar Dunia on Monday, September 29, 2008 | 8:50 PM
However, a rerouting to the home page of the paper, then to the Books section, and from there to her blog, was most rewarding. Her hot piece of news? They're going to "re-imagine" Moby-Dick!!
Read all about it on today's Jacket Copy blog: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/jacketcopy/
But, oh heavens, is there no reverence?
Are there any authors-for-McCain out there?
went hunting for literati who support John McCain, following lots of publicity on her own site http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/jacketcopy/2008/, as well as by the illustrious GalleyCat on http://www.mediabistro.com/, for various fundraisers organized by writers for the Barack Obama campaign.
While the band plays on, a book festival is held in DC
Scotland Yard Stops Attack on UK Medina Publisher
The Sunday Times says "the suspected terror gang was being followed by undercover police and the fire was quickly put out after the fire brigade smashed down the front door."
The police believe Rynja was under attack for his company's decision to publish Sherry Jones's The Jewel Of Medina. Rynja is now "believed" to be under police protection, and, if so, must sleep easy, in view of the promptness and efficiency of the operation.
Naturally, the attack is supposed to be in retaliation for the content of the book, which is described by extremists as an attack on the honor of Mohammed, which they say carries the death penalty, according to Muslim law.
Jones's agent Natasha Kern tells the Times, "I honestly believe that if people read the book they will see it is not disrespectful of Muhammad, and moderate Muslims will not be offended. I don't want anyone to risk their lives but we could never imagine that there would be some madmen who would do something like this. I'm so sad about this act of terrorism. Moderate Muslims will suffer because of a few radicals."
Author Sherry Jones told Galleycat, "The planting of that bomb is Martin Rynja's letterbox was not about my book. It's not about the content of my book. It's not about the ideas in my book. It must be about the rumors and innuendos." Sunday Times
Cowboys have best public library in the US
Written By Lingkar Dunia on Friday, September 26, 2008 | 2:24 PM
Life without Harry Potter
Written By Lingkar Dunia on Thursday, September 25, 2008 | 2:53 PM
Scholastic has reported a net loss of $44.7 million from first quarter sales. Last year looked a lot different, with a net profit of $3.3 million, helped enormously by $240 million from Harry Potter --and that in what is usually a bleak time of the year for sales, school students being out to play. CEO Dick Robinson reckoned that the difference in the balance sheet was "largely" due to "a challenging market." However, the lack of a Harry Potter must have had a lot to do with it -- in the children's book publishing and distribution division, revenue fell from $296.8 million to $61 million.
What a difference one author and one book can make to one company!
Mission Accomplished
Written By Lingkar Dunia on Sunday, September 21, 2008 | 7:04 PM
Historians take note
Can you spare a moment?
Written By Lingkar Dunia on Saturday, September 20, 2008 | 7:18 PM
Ever wanted to write a book?
Written By Lingkar Dunia on Friday, September 19, 2008 | 1:44 PM
"Fear not the blank page, that scary A4," they say;
"Fear not writer's block, let it haunt you no more ..."
Have a look at this amazing offer -- the lessons are free!
Young Adult Writers Unite for Obama
GalleyCat on http://www.mediabistro.com/ asks, "Who will the YA community vote for?" And a new site, Young Adults for Obama, hopes to start providing answers, as of next week.
It is a social networking site, uniting readers and writers and other supporters of Young Adult books. Users can post, chat, and upload this neat poster of Obama, Action Hero.
Created by YA author Maureen Johnson, the site has been endorsed by fifty young adult writers, including bestselling authors Judy Blume, Meg Cabot, and Melissa Walker.
Peter Jackson in limbo
This has left Peter Jackson, Steven Spielberg, and the cast and crew in Los Angeles in limbo, not to mention Weta Workshop here in Wellington, New Zealand, which was supposed to provide state of the art visual effects for the three-film series.
According to the Los Angeles Times, Universal worked out that the first movie had to make over four hundred million just to break even, and there ain't that kind of money around, any more.
It must have been heartwrenching to have to say goodbye to two of the world's best-known directors, but Hollywood is "trapped between rising costs and levelling revenues."
The financial cost to said directors is by no means small. Jackson and Spielberg had contracted for 30% of the gross revenue, which means that if the first film did break even, they would walk away with one hundred million smackers.
Paramount, which owns Spielberg's Dreamworks company, is debating whether to pick up the project. They should come up with a decision soon.
Shortlist announced for Best Business Book
Written By Lingkar Dunia on Thursday, September 18, 2008 | 2:49 PM
A Splendid Exchange: How Trade Shaped the World, by William J. Bernstein (Atlantic Monthly Press)
Cold Steel: The Multi-billion-dollar Battle for a Global Industry, by Tim Bouquet & Byron Ousey (Little Brown Book Group UK)
When Markets Collide: Investment Strategies for the Age of Global Economic Change, by Mohamed El-Erian (McGraw-Hill)
McMafia: A Journey Through the Global Criminal Underworld, by Misha Glenny (Knopf)
Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy, by Lawrence Lessig (The Penguin Press)
The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life, by Alice Schroeder (Bantam)
Having read absolutely none of them, I nevertheless predict that it will be a toss-up between McMafia and Warren Buffett. Some of the other titles look doomed.
Printing books in bookstores
Written By Lingkar Dunia on Wednesday, September 17, 2008 | 11:45 PM
Well, they are as imitative as ever, downunder. It has just been announced that NZ/Aus's biggest book chain, Whitcoulls/Angus & Robertson, is installing a -- wait for it -- book printing machine for out-of-print books in their flagship store in Melbourne. (Find it in Bourke Street.)
How will the gadget make money? By eliminating payments to publishers and authors.
What are their plans? Fifty stores are scheduled to stock this gadget, on both sides of the Tasman Sea. (Watch for it in Newmarket, Auckland.)
How long will it take to print a book? Fifteen minutes, complete with four-color jacket and binding with heat-activated glue.
How much will it cost to print a book? Thirty bucks.
How much do the machines cost? One hundred thousand smackers.
Managing director Dave Fenlon reckons the machines will pay for themselves "in a very short period of time."
I can't believe Peter Jackson isn't there!
And I am running this post mostly because I am so staggered at how few writers there are.
Go through it, and see if you can correct me.
(It's not fair to count people who write books as a parttime kind of thing, like politicians and financiers.)
But they did include the founder of amazon.com . . .
And Rupert Murdock.
Reading Agatha Christie faster
Written By Lingkar Dunia on Monday, September 15, 2008 | 9:03 PM
films, television series, plays and even computer games. But she and her heirs have always viewed another kind of adaptation with suspicion, refusing to allow her novels to be abridged.
Double talk with an advertising message
Written By Lingkar Dunia on Sunday, September 14, 2008 | 7:06 PM
A New Delhi study has found that when you are dealing with a bilingual population, you have to be careful what language(s) you choose to promote your product.
If you want to sell in India, the rules are like this:
For luxury products (that Ferrari, mink coat, diamond necklace), use English.
If you're promoting a middle class treat, like chocolate, use an English-rich mix of English and Hindi.
If it's something basic like detergent, use a Hindi-rich mixture of Hindi and English.
"English is the language which is global and cosmopolitan and upper class," said Aradhna Krishna, author of the study and marketing professor at the University of Michigan. "You associate your first language with family, with warmth, with belongingness."
The catch: Something entirely in Hindi backfires. The reader thinks, who the devil is this bloke who thinks he can use my language?
An intriguing complication of globalization -- and a whole new view of the English language. One cannot help wondering if the same rules apply in other countries where English is spoken, written, and read on a daily basis, but as a second language ...
More on Palin censorship
"For years, social conservatives had pressed the library director to remove books they considered immoral," the story runs, and goes on to quote former Wasilla mayor John Stein, Palin's rival and predecessor.
"People would bring books back censored," he recalled. "Pages would get marked up or torn out."
"Witnesses and contemporary news accounts say Ms. Palin asked the librarian about removing books from the shelves," the article continues, adding, "The McCain-Palin presidential campaign says Ms. Palin never advocated censorship."
So, a flat denial. But it seems that back in 1995 Palin told colleagues in the city council she had noticed a picture book called Daddy's Roommate on the library shelves, and she did not believe it belonged there. So we have another title.
Daddy's Roommate, by Michael Willhoite (Alyson books, 1994), is a simple picture book for small children which depicts a two-father family. "Daddy" has divorced, and moved in with a male roommate. The two men cook, clean house, argue, make up, and go to family-type outings, like an afternoon at the zoo. According to reviews of the book, though rather obvious in its message, it provides reassurance and understanding. It is also one of the most banned books in the United States, being number two in the American Library Association's Most Challenged List, 1994-2000.
Go Ask Alice, described in an earlier post, is now standing at 1,462 in the amazon.com ratings. The Barack Obama campaign has just announced that August was its most successful month for fundraising. The front page of the WORLD section of Wellington's Dominion Post today (16 September) has the banner headline: The $66m man.
Read book reviews, and eat them, too.
Are we getting closer to Sarah Palin's book list ?
Written By Lingkar Dunia on Friday, September 12, 2008 | 1:54 PM
There has been a lot of chat and controversy over an item that was posted on many blogs, including this one, reporting talk that back when Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, was mayor of Wasilla, she asked Library Director Mary Ellen Emmons how one could go about having books removed from the library shelves.
So, was the gossip true? That has been the question. Well, the Anchorage Daily News, which, quite naturally, is full of news about their governor-turned-VP-candidate, weighed in on 4 September with the flat statement that Palin asked not once, but three times, about the possibility of removing "objectionable" books from the library. (see http://www.adn.com/)
So, exactly which "objectionable" books did she have in mind? As reported earlier, this matter was muddied when a mischievous commentator posted an irrelevant list on http://www.librarian.net/. The exact titles also seem unimportant when it is the question of book censorship that is being discussed, not the banning of specific books. However, an ABC report has named two titles which, it seems, Palin's Assembly of God church wishes were not available in libraries and stores. (The video can be viewed on a number of sites, including http://www.thenation.com/blogs/campaignmatters/358233)
So, which books are they?
One is Go Ask Alice, the fictional diary of a fifteen-year-old girl whose drink is spiked with LSD and who goes horribly downhill after that, finally dying from an overdose. Though the author is given as "anonymous," it was probably Beatrice Sparks. First published by Simon Pulse in 1971, it is still in print. Obviously, it has struck a chord in the wider community. Columbia University runs a website answering questions posed by teenagers in need of help, called http://www.goaskalice.columbia.edu/
Library Journal called Go Ask Alice "an important book," and it is now considered a young adult classic. But, because of its explicit references to drugs and sex, it has always been controversial. The book has been banned in all kinds of places ranging from New Jersey to Florida, a trend that is increasing. Back in the 1990s, it was 23rd in the list of 100 "most challenged books" put out by the American Library Association; in 2001 it was number 8, and in 2003 it was number 6. A testament to the growing power of the Christian right, perhaps? Interestingly, it is currently 4,079 on amazon.com, perhaps because of the publicity from the ABC report.
The second book is a sensitive study called, Pastor, I am Gay, written by a semi-retired Baptist minister, Howard H. Bess. (Palmer, 1995.) Bess was inspired when he was approached by a member of his southern California church, who revealed that he was gay. Since then, he has devoted his life to challenging Christian churches to accept and minister to lesbians and gays.
Evidently there is at least one branch of the Assembly of God in Alaska that would turn a deaf ear to his message.
Booker shortlist: surprises galore
Written By Lingkar Dunia on Wednesday, September 10, 2008 | 2:56 PM
What a shock. Salman Rushdie and John Berger did not make the final cut!
Nor did Tom Rob Smith's Child 44, which was a surprise in itself, just by being held up as a possible nominee. Also left aside were Netherland by Joseph O'Neill and books by Gaynor Arnold, Michelle de Kretser, and Mohammed Hanif.
Finalists are:
Aravind Adiga, The White Tiger (Atlantic)
Sebastian Barry, The Secret Scripture (Faber and Faber)
Amitav Ghosh, Sea of Poppies (John Murray)
Linda Grant, The Clothes on Their Backs (Virago)
Philip Hensher, The Northern Clemency (Fourth Estate)
Steve Toltz, A Fraction of the Whole (Hamish Hamilton)
International conference on the book
Written By Lingkar Dunia on Sunday, September 7, 2008 | 8:44 PM
The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., USA
25-27 October 2008
This conference serves as a forum for examining the past, current and future role of the book. Recognizing that although the book is an old medium of expression, it embodies thousands of years' experience of recording knowledge, the Book Conference also examines other key aspects, including publishing, libraries, literacy, and education.
The Book Conference welcomes a wide range of participants from the world of books - authors, publishers, printers, librarians, IT specialists, bookretailers, editors, literacy educators, academic researchers, and scholars from all disciplinary traditions.
Deadline for papers is 11 September 2008. See the website for details.
A new way to share or find your love
Written By Lingkar Dunia on Saturday, September 6, 2008 | 3:12 PM
Journalists arrested at Republican convention
The seven journalists were arrested last Monday in the city of St. Paul, where the Republicans were officially nominating their Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates. Other independent journalists have been pepper-sprayed and even held at gunpoint during "pre-emptive" raids aimed at disrupting protesters, said US media reform group Free Press.
Amy Goodman, host of the Democracy Now! television and radio show, was arrested after trying to get information about two producers from her show, Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar, who were arrested while filming protestors. A photographer for the Associated Press, Matt Rourke, was also arrested at about the same time. The Democracy Now! journalists and Rourke were released hours after being arrested. Goodman was officially charged with "obstruction of a legal process and interference with a peace officer."
Student journalists Edward Matthews and Britney McIntosh from the University of Kentucky and university newspaper advisor James Winn were also arrested. All three had press credentials with them. They are still awaiting formal charges and may be released soon, according to reports.
The Newspaper Guild-CWA, a US affiliate of the IFJ, said it is joining with Free Press and other organizations in demanding that all charges be dropped against the journalists arrested while covering the Republican Convention and related protests, in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Click here to sign the Free Press online petition calling for charges to be dropped against the journalists: petition
NYC inspires the most atrocious opening sentence
Written By Lingkar Dunia on Friday, September 5, 2008 | 3:06 PM
In a story in the New York Times, Clyde Haberman muses that "New York, warts and all, has long inspired great writing." But an awful opening sentence?
Indeed. And here it is. A chorus of trumpets, if you will.
“Theirs was a New York love, a checkered taxi ride burning rubber, and like the city their passion was open 24/7, steam rising from their bodies like slick streets exhaling warm, moist, white breath through manhole covers stamped ‘Forged by DeLaney Bros., Piscataway, N.J.’ ”
This gem was composed by a Mr. Spik (pronounced "speak"), 41, who lives in Washington, where he is the communications director for a diamond-importing company. But he has visited New York often enough to know the billows of steam that rise from the subway that snakes beneath the streets. As for the manhole covers, when interviewed by Haberman over the phone, he said, “I just thought DeLaney Brothers had a funny ring to it. There’s no hidden meaning, no Salman Rushdie kind of stuff. And Piscataway just sounds funny.”
As Haberman comments, "You just try coming up with something so dizzyingly atrocious."
“It’s challenging to write something that’s intentionally bad,” Spik agreed. “You have to know the mechanics of English to be able to throw a monkey wrench into it.”
Ain’t that the truth, said Scott Rice, an English professor at San Jose State University who has presided over the Bulwer-Lytton competition since its inception in 1982. “Somebody said years ago that the contest calls for something like the equivalent of imitating a drunk on roller skates." It’s certainly not for the untalented or the faint-hearted.
The appeal of Mr. Spik’s submission was “the way it slides downhill,” Professor Rice said. “It starts out a little bit dramatically, with this somewhat unusual metaphor of a checkered taxi ride of a love affair, and it goes right downhill and ends up in a sewer.”
The prize for the major winner in this surprisingly popular contest is in the three figures -- Mr. Spik received a check for $250.
Fixing the English language
'Fewer' means 'not as many'
'Fewer' when items can be counted individually
Indeed, Tesco is not alone in committing this grammatical faux pas in public -- the Good Word Guide notes that a Post Office advertisement in the Guardian stated: "Please remember, on Tuesdays and Thursdays there are less queues in the afternoon."
Did Palin attempt to have books banned?
Written By Lingkar Dunia on Thursday, September 4, 2008 | 5:59 PM
There has been huge interest in the assertion made by several people, and publicized in TIME Magazine, that Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin attempted to have certain books banned from the Wasilla City Library. So, is the claim true?
According to the New York Times for September 2, 2008, it is. Ann Kilkenny, citizen of Wasilla, told a journalist that Palin brought up the idea of banning some books at a meeting. "They were somehow morally or socially objectionable to her," she said.
The librarian, Mary Ellen Emmons, pledged to resist all efforts at censorship. Forthwith, Palin fired her, but changed course after residents strongly objected. Emmons left both her job and Wasilla a couple of years later. (She has since married, which accounts for the difference in her name in the TIME Magazine article.)
The full story, straight from the horse's mouth at the Anchorage Daily News, has just been posted on the internet site of the Boston Herald:
"Back in 1996, when she first became mayor," the story begins, "Sarah Palin asked the city librarian if she would be all right with censoring books."
The commentary from the public, which follows the story, and which has appeared so rapidly that it is yet another testament to the timeliness and interest of the topic, makes very interesting reading.For still more on the controversy, including a very interesting dissection of her career by one of the comment-writers, see:
The Obama campaign has reported that in the hours following Palin's speech they received over eight million dollars in internet donations.
That list of banned books
The complete list was posted by a commentator, Andrew Aucoin, on the blog http://www.librarian.net/ It turns out that the questions were justified, because his list is lifted from the site http://www.adlerbooks.com/banned.html It is a summary of books that have been banned at one time or another in the United States, and not the books named by Palin -- though who knows which of them might have been included in her kill list.
While one must admire Aucoin's cut-and-pasting skill, this was nothing less than mischievous, because it distracts from the very real issue of censorship, and whether Palin supports it. As Adler & Robin Books, the originator of the list, comments in their preamble, banning books is far too common in the United States, which is a sad and frightening fact.
"Who bans books?" they ask, replying, "Libraries, schools, entire towns, and sometimes, in the past, the United States government."
It happens nearly every week. Luckily, most of the time concerned citizens rise up and protest, and the book is reinstated, but occasionally it goes unnoticed, "and the banned book stays lost to a school or a country."
"Censorship in the United States is an old pastime and new hobby of the feebleminded," the writer vigorously adds. James Joyce's Ulysses was banned by the government, and copies seized by the U.S. Postal Service, as were Voltaire's Candide, Aristophanes's Lysistrata, Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions, and Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. School districts have banned Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and The Merchant of Venice, and Little Red Riding Hood has met the same fate. And of course we all know the history of the banning of Darwin's Origin of the Species.
It is a shameful record, particularly for a country that holds such fine ideals of the sanctity of free speech. It is very encouraging indeed that the possibility that someone who believes in censorship of books should hold the second-highest office in the land has met with such an open outcry.
Palin's attempt to ban books
Written By Lingkar Dunia on Wednesday, September 3, 2008 | 1:34 PM
Apparently, Palin went to the library and made inquiries about the procedure for banning certain books, claiming that some voters thought they had "inappropriate language" in them.
"The librarian was aghast," claims the article. The librarian, Mary Ellen Baker, couldn't be reached for comment, but news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire Baker for not giving "full support" to the mayor.
A contributor to http://www.librarian.net/ (scan the comments following the announcement of the TIME story) names the books Palin tried to ban from the library. The list includes:
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
Clockwork Orange, by Anthony Burgess
As I Lay Dying, by William Faulkner
The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer
Confession, by Jean Jacques Rousseau
Death of a Salesman, by Arthur Miller
Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes
Lady Chatterley's Lover, by D.H. Lawrence
Leaves of Grass, by Walt Whitman
Little Red Riding Hood, by the Grimm Brothers
Lord of the Flies, by William Golding
Lysistrata, by Aristophanes
Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck
To Kill a Mocking Bird, by Harper Lee
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, by Ken Kesey
The Chocolate War, by Robert Cormier
Pigman, by Paul Zindel
Anything by Stephen King, everything by J.K. Rowling, just about everything by Roald Dahl, both of Mark Twain's major works, most of Judy Blume, most of William Shakespeare, and (this is truly mind-boggling) Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary by the Merriam-Webster Editorial Staff
GalleyCat@ http://www.mediabistro.com/ slyly comments, "Maybe if she didn't want to ban Our Bodies, Ourselves by Boston Women's Health Collective her daughter Bristol wouldn't be having a shotgun wedding." Yes, that book is one of those she wanted to ban.
Mary Ellen Baker resigned from her library director's job in 1999.