That is, if you're thinking of getting an iPhone soon.
Get the iP4S, or wait for the 5?
After that Apple announcement last night, most MacTards are still reeling from the fact that, instead of a '5', they'll be getting an 'S' to the iPhone.
I say get the iP4S. Some might argue "It's just under the hood! Only faster processor, and better camera, yada yada yada. iOS5 also can run from iP4, just like how the iP3GS could run the iOS4. Better wait for the 5!"
Firstly- Remember how different it was to run the iOS4 on the old iP3GS compared on the much faster iP4?
Fact is, iOS5 is tailored for the iP4S, and the soon to be released iP5. iP5 will come out circa mid-2012 surely - when those who bought the iP4 two years ago would have their contract expiring by then. And the iP5S? That one is slated for late 2013 surely.
The tech jump from the iP4S to the iP5 wont be as much also considering both are tailored for the iOS5 (unless somehow Apple decided to plonk in the iOS6 into iP5, which is unlikely)
I think the most plausible cause Apple held off the iP5 is purely due to the carriers which offered a 2-year contract deal for the iP4, released less than two years ago.
They dont want their iP4 customers to think twice about hopping to the iP5 when they are still on iP4 contract. Best solution, release the iP4S with improved specs but in the same shell. That way them iP4 users wont feel left out so much with this new release!
Now consider this. The technological leap between the 3GS and the 4 wasnt that much, save for the physical appearance.
Now consider how much Apple leaped from the 4 to the 4S. More powerful processor, 8MP camera, iOS5. You do the math.
So using the same rule, how left out you'd feel if you see the iP5S released when you're still stuck with the iP5 for another year? Hence, getting the iP4S right now isn�t such a bad idea, considering you�re primed just nice for the next big leap, in the form of the iP5S, in two years time.
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