Things to consider! (all written considering you're not intending in selling out your 1/6th figure)
1. Focus! You must now what line or what sort of action figures you'd want to focus on. Iron Man? Star Wars? Military? Surely variety is a cool thing also but personally, i'd like to focus on a particular theme so it is easier for you to curb and control your spending. These stuff aint cheap you know.
2. Know your brands and their strengths. Hot Toys? Enterbay? DiD? I'm not going to tell you which one is best, because it's subjective but i will tell you this - head sculpt accuracy is more important than articulations points.
3. Research and lots of research on what the figure you're getting is all about. Safe option is to go for mainstream items such as comic or cartoon characters as it is easier to get reference items. Iron Man? Know what model the suit is, and its unique point. What else can be attached to your figure. Customization? Is it instantly recognizable? It would be kinda awkward having to explain what that 12-inch tall action figure posed in your living room is to your guests right?
4. Cost. Remember - scour for the best deals on eBay or follow them collectible stores pages on Facebook. If you're local (KL area), suggested pages are Red Toys, Crefigz, ShiokToys, ToyWizard/ Toy Garden and XL Shop. These places offer POs (pre-orders) for soon
to be released items (usually three or four months in advance) so it would be wise to make your call a.s.a.p before their quota is met, as prices for these 1/6th stuff shoot up almost immediately in the secondary market.
The five mentioned above might charge slightly higher (maybe say RM 10 for example) compared to other sellers but in such cases, better that way which pretty much guarantees you get your item, rather than pay a bit lesser only to be told you are unable to get your unit half a year down the road.
These tips are incomplete, as these are based on my observations - i'm a 1/6th figure fan also. Feel free to add or anything, and if you happen to be thinking of getting one, would be happy to help =)
Say hello to Tony.

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