Google has just introduced its new Social Network concept named "Google+", may be a new competitor of Facebook. Google announced a new social project, but not like its previous releases of Google Waves, Google Buzz etc, but now Google is very serious with its new social project called Google+. Google+ provides the opportunity to Google users to connect and interact with people who are in their contacts with more social way. It will take all your Google contacts and adds a level of sharing and organization that makes the Google experience more social than ever.
According to the Official Google Blog, Google+ is basically provides the sharing idea known as Circles. Circles is a drag and drop interface for organizing friends into groups, and from the interactive tour on the site, seems to understand that this should be smooth, quick and painless ordeal, instead of a chore. Hangout is an area where you can digitally �hang out� with your contacts that are online, via, chat, voice or video and you can join other groups of people that are hanging out as well (if they want you to, of course). Huddle seems to be a more structured and tactual version of Hangout, allowing you to consolidate multiple chat sessions into one shared session. Instant Upload is going to drive the mobile side of this new network, whereby every picture and video you take from your Android phone will automatically sync with your Google+ account, and will be shared to whomever you specify. Google+ Circles is an attempt to address that challenge. The HTML5 system allows users to drag-and-drop their friends into different social circles for friends, family, classmates, co-workers and other custom groups. Users can drag groups of friends in and out of these circles.
Google has already start testing its new design interface for many of its products like Google Search, Google Adwords, Google Maps etc to match with Google Plus. The company has started overhauling its other web services with its new interface. So far, we've seen a new global black navigation bar, and maps today, with more to come. According to the Google Blog, the new interface will provide their services in line with a common interface. Google says that the project focused on three main design principles; focus, elasticity, and effortlessness.
Watch Google+ Plus Video Introduction:
Now we all have to wait and see what impact cause by a new Social Network Google+ Plus in near future Or will Google+ effects Facebook popularity in future? What you guys have to say about this? Give Comments!
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