The Jedi Reviews #extra - Batman : Arkham City

Written By Lingkar Dunia on Monday, December 26, 2011 | 6:07 PM

So i completed Batman: Arkham City on Christmas day and as always, i tend to let the credits roll, hoping for some easter egg to appear somehow and it did!

I'm not gonna spoil it for you, in terms of the ending for the main story, but regardless, listening to this bit is still scary nonetheless.

Here's the freaky bit - throughout the game, you'll get phone calls from The Joker, mostly of him taunting you (Batman) with gibberish talk which dont really do much in helping you solve a mission.

Sometimes, it goes straight to voicemail and like in real life, i hardly check my voicemail.

Anyway, this one got away. I don't know if you are actually able to retrieve it in game, or Rocksteady purposely put it at the end of the game during credits roll to amp up the emotion - which i think worked VERY WELL.

Have a listen. Not that hard to guess what song hehehee.


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