I wish all elections were such fun. Many thanks to all who participated.
From TV One
Blown Away has won the Wellywood sign competition and will take its spot on the Miramar Peninsula by March.
The sign - which says "Wellington" but has windblown letters at the end - will be visible from all flights in and out of Wellington.
Wellington residents were able to choose between three options, Wellywood, Wellington Blown Away and the Eye of the Taniwha and the votes closed on at midnight on Friday.
More than 33,000 votes were placed and Blown Away, designed by Matt Sellars and Ray McKay from advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi Auckland, was the clear winner with 18,862 votes.
The Eye of the Taniwha design was second, but trailed by more than 7000 votes. Wellywood only received 3,104.
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