Upgraded my graphics card to DDR3 1GB and what better game to test it on, other than Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3???

pic: IGN. See? Have to quote source ok!
"We are Oscar Mike!" - You know you're a MW3 nut when you shout that whenever you're making a move.
First of all - I'm in the MW3 camp (isn't it obvious) - mostly due to the excellent storyline and the campaign. Sorry, can't do Multiplayer. Internet connections in my area is pretty shit despite being nearby Technology Park Malaysia. The irony.
So how was MW3?
Game time : 6 hours (give or take, unless you're on Easy which would have cut it half)
I finished the game on Hard settings under six hours. Would have started on Veteran level by the time you read this. Pretty decent, but i wished they would have made the campaign longer then again, it gets boring if you stretch it too much. So at the end of the day, six hours is just nice. Haven't started on the extras with the Special Forces side games which were unlocked after finishing the campaign. Will tell more about it in another post. Oh yes. I'm not gonna talk about Multiplayer, because I'm not playing it.
System requirements.
System requirements are the same with Modern Warfare 2. Graphics wise, equal with MW2 too. My current rig has 4GB RAM, single core 2.4GHz AMD, and the 1GB DDR3 graphics accelerator - clicking on the optimal settings option puts all details on high + highly detailed animations. I turned off the ragdoll settings though - kinda weird seeing dead bodies flopping around - just like in F.E.A.R.
Campaign storyline takes off immediately after MW2, where Price and 'Soap' McTarvish killed General Shepherd. Nikolai finally made an appearance and we are introduced to several other playable characters, mainly Yuri and Frost of the Delta Force. If in MW2 we had Ghost, we have Sandman in MW3 who is like the pointman in every mission he makes an appearance in.

Sandman tossing you a mag - first mission in MW3. Occupy? Storm Wallstreet! Actual game footage!
You'll be introduced to lots of new weapons, cool scopes and add-ons in MW3, with my favorite being the SCAR-H with Hybrid scope (Holographic + ACOG sight). Although a smart move is to accustomize yourself to AK47s - all over the place : solves ammo problem!
For ground support, you'll be controlling more than just the old Predator drones as seen in MW2 with a new range of death-from-air weapons at your disposal. On the ground, you'll be manning a tank machine gun turret and taking it old-school, manning a mortar launcher. Also, in one of the coolest part in the game, you'll get to control a UAV complete with a minigun.
Basically you'll be hunting down Makarov throughout the game, hitting hit allies and agents in order to get more intel on his whereabouts. Apart from that, you'll be playing as SAS and Delta Force Special Forces, operating in smaller cluster groups, tackling larger groups of Russians in firefights throughout Europa.
Oh yes. No Ghost. Despite all the rumors that Ghost isn't dead, and will make an appearance in MW3 - he didn't. Sad, really.
Nothing major, but i noticed that sometimes, the AI tend to seek cover out in the open, making them easy targets. That, or maybe i'm just pretty good at flanking these suckers.
Last word
Sold? Maybe this trailer will help you in making a decision on whether to splash Rm150+ for the original game. Pirate ones - 4 discs wei! That's around RM40.
*I do not condone the use and purchase of pirate products. Thank you very much.
All that's left for me now is to get a copy of Battlefield 3 to compare it with Modern Warfare 3.
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