Jedi Reads - Joker by Brian Azzarello & Lee Bermejo (art)

I picked this up because of two things - Brian Azzarello and the cover. (Come on. The cover man. Why won't any self respecting Batman fan won't pick it up?)
The graphic novel hit the stands not long after The Dark Knight was shown, in 2008, and some might point out the similarities on how Glasgow smile on Bermejo's drawings is similar to Heath Ledger's Joker in the movie but it is purely coincidental. And unlike Ledger's portrayal of the Joker on screen, Bermejo's Joker is much more sadistic in doing things - he went as far as flaying one of his traitors, alive.
The story primarily revolves around a small time bum, Johnny Frost who joined Joker's crew which he tries to rebuild after being released from Arkham Asylum. Instead of getting into The Joker's head, Azzarello puts us in Johnny's head, and witness Joker's antics first hand. Sometimes it is more like a documentary on Joker as told from Johnny's perspective. Refreshing. I like.
Not much on the Batman but I'm sure Bats' fans would not be disappointed with the book.
Grabbed it around RM70 at Borders, and I think the price went down a bit. It is almost a four year book by now. I would not recommend this to fresh readers but to those who wants to read more about the character, please do, pick it up. You won't regret it.

Not the best Batman book I've read (that title goes to Batman: Year One) but it is definitely a fresh take on the Joker and his relationship with Batman (towards the end of the book).
Story - 7 (out of ten)
Art - 8
Pace - 6
Entertainment value - 7
Final score - 7
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