Jedi Reads #2 is here! Sorry for the delay because.....well...I have a dayjob!
So here is it. Invincible Iron Man from Marvel comics.

The Eisner Award Winning book is written by Matt Fraction and is drawn by Salvador Larroca tells of a modern, more relatable story of well- Iron Man a.k.a Industrial billionaire Tony Stark.
Since he took over in June 2008, big old red and gold shellhead storyline has taken a much more modern twist with real-life issues, and reference to pop-culture.
It has got five main story arcs to date, most reent, a tie-in to Fear itself.
The other four are
1. The Five Nightmares.
The story picks up just after Civil War. Captain America is dead. Tony Stark is the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. He's still wearing his "extremis" armor and his main nemesis, Ezekiel Stane is trying to destroy Stark Industries with his own fabricated ARC reactor. One of the attacks almost killed Tony's assistant, Pepper Potts who had an ARC reactor mounted on her in order to stay alive.
2. World's Most Wanted
After fending off Ezekiel Stane, and also the Skrull invasion (overlapping from Secret Invasion arc), in which all Stark tech failed after being infected by an alien virus, Tony Stark is no more Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and now considered a pariah for his failure to stop the attack. Due to some wicked twist of fate, the new director is Norman Osborne a.k.a Green Goblin a.k.a Iron Patriot who renamed S.H.I.E.L.D as 'H.A.M.M.E.R'. He demanded for the data of the Superhuman Registration Act, in which the only copy is in Tony Stark's head. With his company in ruins, Tony installed Potts as the new C.E.O. In order to keep the data ensuring the safety of the secret identities of almost every known superhuman in the Marvel universe, Stark goes on the run, and in that, tries to wipe his mind clean of all information that cannot fall into Osborne's hands.
3. Stark Disassembled
After getting a major ass whopping by Osborne, Tony Stark is brain dead and now, has lost all his memory - including all the sensitive information he tried to hide from Osborne. Now in vegetative state, one of his last instructions to Maria Hill was to relay a message to Captain America - instructions on how to 'reboot' him once his memory is wiped out. However, the reboot and recovery of all of his memory and personality is traced only up to pre-Civil War meaning he has NO recollection of his fight with Captain America, all the superhero information and what he has done during the "World's Most Wanted" arc.
4. Stark Resilient
Picking up the pieces, Tony Stark tried to come to terms with everyone and fix whatever bridges he burned post Civil War. Starting up a new company named 'Stark Resilient', Tony announced that he is pulling out of the weapons business and will now concentrate on focusing on the energy race - using his ARC reactor as the base. As proof to this, he plans to build an ARC reactor-powered racing car but was sabotaged by a mole planted by Justin Hammer's daughter and granddaughter. Hammer now takes over as the main contractor for the military and introduced 'Detroit Steel' - an all-terrain battle armor. Losing all his memory and also now armor-less, Tony, with the help of Reed Richards built a new, much more streamlined and organic suit dubbed the 'Bleeding Edge'.
From here on, it hooks up with 'Fear Itself' and renumbered itself starting from #500. (current issue is #507)
Brilliant life-like art and a real-life + flowing dialogue makes Invincible Iron Man a good & enjoyable read. I noticed Fraction modelled Stark to look and act more like Robert Downey Jr more towards the third arc and yeah - if you enjoyed Iron Man and Iron Man 2, you'll enjoy Invincible Iron Man. The thought process is another stand out, putting you right behind the helmet of the Iron Man armor - and justifies almost all of Tony Stark decisions throughout.
Another highly recommended comic to pick up.

Story - 8 (out of ten)
Art - 9
Pace - 7
Entertainment value - 9
Final score - 8

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