This will be a weekly entry, where i will talk about at least one graphic novel / comic title worth picking up. Hopefully first of many.
So what better to start this series with one of my favorite series eh?

Written by one of the dudes behind 'Lost', Brian K Vaughan, Y: The Last Man tells the story of a lone English Major, aspiring magician and motormouth, Yorick Brown who found himself to be the only surviving male after a 'gendercide' killed all organisms with a Y chromosome on Earth.
Heck most of you pervs out there might think - hey! Open Buffet!
But its a totally different scenario for Yorick, who for his own personal reasons (well you'll have to read it yourself to find out what it is, right?) decides to remain honest to one girl and embarked on an adventure that sees him come across male hating Amazons, ex-cons, astronauts, mafias, Yakuzas, and the Israeli army!
If you're heavy on dialogue, this is a definite must have. Spanning sixty issues, all divided into ten graphic novels, the Eisner Award - winning series (for Best Continuing Series) is riddled with pop-culture references, smart-ass lines, and would somehow make you root for Yorick and his pet monkey, Ampersand plus - wouldn't you wanna know what causes the gendercide?
I think Borders the Gardens have the full set, also the Curve one too.
Some snapshots from book 1

Story - 9 (out of ten)
Art - 8
Pace - 7
Entertainment value - 8
Final score - 8
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