Novak Djokovic - Round-up

Written By Lingkar Dunia on Monday, September 26, 2011 | 4:49 AM

Not much happening as we wait for Novak to take to the court again.

Weekend was spent at the wedding of Miljan Amanovic as well as the Christening of his Daughter.

It was then off to school as part of Novak's work on behalf of UNICEF

Novak Djokovic's photo I was on the field visit to pre-school "Pcelica" in Smederevo as ambasador for UNICEF for early childhood education. I had a lot of fun with kids, they were so eager to play and ask questions and show their little talents. I hope to see more of these kind of institutions which integrate children from all areas, and children with disabilities and Roma children. Every child deserves oportunity to grow in clean, healthy environment where they can play and learn and reach their potential.
Novak Djokovic on WhoSay

Novak Djokovic's photo Upravo se vracam iz posete vrticu "pcelice" u Smederevu kao ambasador UNICEF programa. Klinci palacinci su bili sjajni! Voleo bih da postoji vise inkluzivnih vrtica gde se deca druze i uce bez obzira na razlike.
Novak Djokovic on WhoSay


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