Just after its launch of four months Facebook is now going to shut down Facebook Deals product feature. Facebook Deal was expected to become a big rival of discount offering companies like GroupOn and LivingSocial in near future, but according to Facebook Spokesman;
After testing deals for four months, we�ve decided to end our deals product in the coming weeks. We think there is a lot of power in a social approach to driving people into local businesses. We remain committed to building products to help local businesses connect with people, like ads, pages, sponsored stories, and check-in deals. We�ve learned a lot from our test and we�ll continue to evaluate how to best serve local businesses.
The main concept of Facebook Deal was to keep informed people about the happening and news of any special offers that are being made by local businesses. Facebook's program offered group deals in just five US cities. If you have noticed Facebook has recently made some changes in its news feed and privacy settings in which they have altered the visibility of deals, potentially reducing their exposure as users choose to limit who can see various activities. These changes also include the phasing out of places in favor of location tagging.
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