$20,400: Captain William C. Haynes's journal on the whaling bark Iris, 1844-48
$30,000: Houdini poster, 1902
$45,000: three Marilyn Monroe chest X-rays
$63,250: Marilyn Monroe signed photo dedicated to Joe DiMaggio "I love you Joe"
$77,500: first edition of Bram Stoker's Dracula
$96,612: John James Audubon, Roseate Spoonbill folio
$103,500: $5000 bill, printed 1934
$120,750: letter from George Washington to his nephew, Oct. 25, 1786
$137,425: John James Audubon, Louisiana Heron plate from Birds of America
$152,000: Apollo 11 flight plan signed by Neil Armstrong
$167,300: the first "Archie" comic, 1942
$206,000: 18th century natural historian Mark Cateby's Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands
$258,000: first edition of Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
$285,000: first edition of Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol
$422,500: original lyrics of Bob Dylan's "The Times they are A-Changin'"
$506,500: original lyrics and music of Francis Scott Key's "Star Spangled Banner"
$572,500: broadside of the Declaration of Independence, July 1776
$578,500: signed lecture notes, Albert Einstein's, "Origin of the General Theory of Relativity," June 1933
$657,250: issue #27 of Detective Comics, 1939, featuring Batman's first appearance (original price 10c)
$1,150,000: George Washington's map of the Battle of Yorktown 1781
$1,202,500: lyrics of John Lennon's "A Day in the Life"
$4,300,000: James Naismith's Founding Rules of Basketball, 1891
$10,270,000: John James Audbon's Birds of America
And, perhaps the most bizarre of all:
$2,345,000: lunch at Smith and Wollensky with Warren Buffet.
To get some tips on how to make a gigantic fortune, perhaps?
Courtesy J. Russell Jinishian, specialist in fine marine and sporting art
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