Naturally, she has invited comments. And even more naturally, she most surely is going to get them, because this list is not just eclectic, it is also controversial.
For a start, Jane Austen is not included!
I guess the women had to be alive to qualify. They also had to have a record of selling a helluva lot of books, making a helluva lot of money, and walking away with prizes.
Anyway, here is the list, for your edification (and comments):
J K Rowling (450 million books sold)
Danielle Steele (800 million books sold)
Toni Morrison (Nobel and Pulitzer prizes)
Stephanie Meyer (100 million books sold, billions reaped from movies)
Mary Higgins Clark (100 million books sold)
Maya Angelou (Pulitzer and National Book Award nominee)
Alice Walker (Pulitzer and National Book Award prizes)
Jhumpa Lahiri (Pulitzer prize)
Joyce Carol Oates (National Book Award, Pulitzer nominee)
Isabel Allende (most widely read Spanish author)
But in this "power" list, power seems to be mostly defined by books sold and money made, writes Susannah Breslin. In the literary canon, what kind of power is that?
Hear, hear. Well said, Ms. Breslin.
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