On this day these people were born:
Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-96), author of Uncle Tom's Cabin
For an excellent essay on Stowe and the huge influence of her novel, see today's NYT op-ed by David S. Reynolds, "Rescuing the Real Uncle Tom."

1789: Captain William Bligh, with 18 loyal seamen, was cast adrift from HMS Bounty, to reach Timor in the East Indies after an epic open-boat voyage -- and to inspire dozens of books, articles, papers, and films.
A sixtieth anniversary! In 1951, the first electronic computer for commercial use was demonstrated at the Bureau of the Census in Philadelphia. (ZOMG - was it only 60 years ago?)
1997: Capitalism in Action. A 1939 comic book that is the first in the Batman series is auctioned for US$68,500 at Sotheby's in New York.
I wonder what it is worth now...
I shall answer my own question, having looked it up. It is now worth $375,000!!!
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