Television writer Suzanne Collins was named by TIME as one of the ten most influential people of 2010.
Her books for children (aged 12 and up) are dystopian fantasies, originally inspired by Alice in Wonderland. What would it be like, she thought, if the rabbit hole was a manhole? What kind of alternative world would her heroine find down there?
Her latest book, The Hunger Games
, has been on the NYT bestseller list for 60 weeks.
Delighted by the news of his elevation to the million Kindle club, Lee Child, said, "I started writing at the same time Amazon first went live, back in 1995, and it has been a thrill to move forward together through the years."
At least one person would not have predicted it. I gave my brother Child's first three Jack Reacher thrillers when people started talking about this new writer -- and he gave them back to me! The pundits who predicted success for the eccentric hero were nuts, he opined.
Just shows how wrong one dedicated reader of thrillers can be.
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