Written By Lingkar Dunia on Monday, April 18, 2011 | 12:51 PM

A perfume that smells like very, very, very good books

Karl Lagerfeld has partnered with his publisher Steidl to create a perfume inspired by the smell of books.  It is called Paper Passion.

A famous bibliogphile who owns about three hundred thousand volumes, Lagerfeld freely confesses that he cannot resist buying more, more, more books. (What a hero.)

This personal passion has even inspired him to become the owner of a bookstore and publishing house in Paris, like his famous predecessor Louis Hachette.  Lagerfeld's store is located at 7, rue de Lille, and is called 7L.

Steidl and Lagerfeld plan to open another bookstore in New York City soon, and are thinking of calling it Word and Image.


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