Before installing this operating system on your computer
, you should make sure that your computer meets the following basic requirements:
* Processor: 1 Ghz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64)
* RAM: 1 GB (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit)
* Available Hard Disk Space: 16 GB (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
* Graphics Device: DirectX 9 with WDDM 1.0 or a higher driver
If your computer meets the aforementioned requirements then you can go ahead and install Windows 7 on your computer.
* Shutting-it-down:The proper system configuration is a necessity for the speedy functioning of the system, but again it is not the only factor effecting the computer�s performance. The system tends to slow down even if used over a prolonged period of time. As such, you should make sure that you give your computer a bit of �rest� at least once every week and completely shut it down.
* Periodically delete the temporary files from your PC: This helps the applications to run faster on your system. For this type %Temp% in the run dialog box and press �OK�. A new folder will open up with the name �Temp� on the top menu bar. Here click Edit�>Select All and then File�>Delete.
* Perform a scandisk: This test checks if your drive is in a healthy condition and also helps your computer run faster.
* Defragment the drives:Even though Windows 7 is said to be the smarter and more efficient OS, it still suffers from disk fragmentation when involving allocation of free space to files on a magnetic disk. Consequently, more time is spent when inputting/outputting the files when the disk is highly fragmented. Thus, a regular disk defragmentation is necessary.To defragment the disk goto Start�>All Programs�>Accessories�>System Tools�>Disk Defragmenter. Here, you can select the volume to be defragmented and the click �Analyze� and then �Defragment� to begin the disk defragmentation.You can select to defragment the volume one by one or all at once.
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