On September 29, TimesOnline (UK) ran a list of art history texts considered basic needs for students of the discipline -- without comment. Obviously, they are awaiting those, which should make future reading interesting.
Oddly enough, a title in the list was a feataure of my childhood -- the Vitruvius study of architecture. I see that the text is now available online,at the Perseus site, but what I pored over for many hours was the wonderful illustrations.
From Berger's Ways of Seeing
Baxandall, Michael, Painting and experience in fifteenth century Italy : a primer in the social history of pictorial style, Oxford University Press,1988
Berger, John, Ways of Seeing, Penguin Books Ltd, 1990
Burke, Peter, The Renaissance, Macmillan, 1997
Clark, T.J., Farewell to an idea : episodes from a history of modernism, Yale University Press, c1999
Collings, Matthew, This Is Modern Art, Phoenix, 2000
Fernie, Eric, Art history and its methods : a critical anthology, Phaidon,1995
Gombrich, Ernst, The story of art, Phaidon, 1995
Harrison, Charles, and Paul Wood, Art in theory, 1815-1900 : an anthology of changing ideas, Blackwell, 1998 & Art in theory, 1900-2000 : an anthology of changing ideas, Blackwell, 2003
Honour, Hugh & Fleming, John A., World History of Art, 2002, Laurence King Publishing 2005 (7th ed.)
Panofsky, Erwin, Iconography and Iconology: An Introduction to the Study of Renaissance Art (1939); Meaning in the Visual Arts, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books
Pointon, Marcia, History of art : a students' handbook, Routledge, 1994
Preziosi, Donald, The art of art history : a critical anthology, Oxford University Press, 1998
Nelson, Robert and Schiff, Richard, Critical terms for art history, University of Chicago Press, 2003
Harris, Jonathan, The new art history : a critical introduction, Routledge,2001
Rubin, Patricia Lee, Giorgio Vasari : art and history, Yale UniversityPress, c1995
Sylvester, David, Interviews with Francis Bacon, Thames & Hudson Ltd., 1987; About Modern Art: Critical Essays 1948-2000, Pimlico, 2002
Tavernor, Robert, Palladio and Palladianism, Thames and Hudson, c1991
Vasari, Giorgio, Lives of the Artists, A selection, translated by George Bull, Penguin Books, 1987
Vitruvius, Marcus, Ten Books on Architecture, Harvard University Press, 1914
Watkin, David, A History of Western Architecture, Laurence King Publishing, 2005
Welch, Evelyn, Art in Renaissance Italy, 1350-1500, Oxford University Press, 2000
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