Djokovic - Facebook/Twitter updates

Written By Lingkar Dunia on Saturday, March 12, 2011 | 12:53 PM

Sorry guys if somebody feels excluded, it is not my intention at all. If I had more time to spend on Facebook, i would be writing you on all possible languages and answering all your comments, but i don't and that is why i write in English - so that many can understand. You are already calling me Facebook addict - imagine if i had more time, sky would be the limit :) I'm off to practice, speak soon! :)

Zao mi je ako se neko oseca izostavljenim, nije mi namera. Ja bih vam pisao na svim jezicima verujte mi,od Srpskog do Kineskog, ali ponekad imam samo dva minuta vremena da podelim s vama i samo iz tog razloga izaberem da napisem na engleskom - da bi vecina razumela :) Idem sada na trening, pozdrav za sve, cujemo se uskoro


In my eyes Novak has nothing to apologies for. He is a professional sportsperson whose time is very precious. Anytime he gives to his fans should be appreciated, it is a lot more than what you get from some people.



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