Written By Lingkar Dunia on Sunday, August 22, 2010 | 1:36 AM

In yesterday's DomPost magazine, "your weekend," there was a long story by Philip Matthews about the inaugural Ngaio Marsh awards with the name of Kiwi Crime Watch blogger Craig Sisterson featured prominently. (See link to the RH side for much more from the Man Himself.)

This rang a big bell for me, as I had finally opened my copy of New Zealand Author (journal of the New Zealand Society of Authors), which was awaiting when I arrived home from sea, and lo, there was an article (12-13) by Sisterson himself about Bob Marriott, unpublished Kiwi crime/thriller writer, who has been shortlisted for the Debut Dagger Award, run by the influential and prestigious Crime Writers' Association.  (To take note of how Influential and Prestigious they are, have a look at the list of judges for the award.

Then, in the half-hour of sipping an ambrosial Leffe Brun before our usual "Salon" brunch, held on Saturdays at Wellington's iconic Belgian Leuven Restaurant, I found a story about visiting crime writer Val Macdermid, written by -- guess who -- Craig Sisterson.  It is only apt, that as the instigator of the inaugural Ngaio Marsh Award for Kiwi crime fiction, he should get the kind of publicity that book publicists strive mightily to achieve.  To read more about the award and  the shortlisters (including Vanda Symon) just hit those RH links.


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